Having Vision & being flexible

Having Vision & being flexible
a little something like this....may end up as the alternative due to $$

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 My Generations "Pearl Harbor" Memorial

As we "hopefully" all take a moment of silence in memory of all those loved ones lost in the wanton vicious attack on the towers, the Pentagon & at Shanksville along with every single armed service personnel that has been lost since my personal silence is for my cousin who was a security guard in Tower #1, Mr.Godwin Forde. As I mourn the loss of him and numerous others that I knew who perished that awful day; I am thankful to God Almighty for all my other friends that were sick, late or otherwise delayed that day and spared. I thank God for the fact that the tower fell straight down as opposed to like timber being felled which would have been geometrically more devastating in the loss of life. Though this does not lessen the pain and devastation of a single life lost; I am thankful. As I pray for all the families still coping,still damaged,still searching for closure I offer you all Jesus as the answer. As a Christian disciple of Jesus Christ myself I can testify that I fall down on my knees and give all my sorrow and grief which is too much for me to bear to Him who is able to take it up put it upon His shoulders and carry it to Heaven. I do not know what the future holds but I do know who holds the future and His name is Jesus. Please consider making Him your Lord and Savior while you still have today. If you would like to know how then just write me back here at the blog. Thank You for your time and may God Bless You All.

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