Having Vision & being flexible

Having Vision & being flexible
a little something like this....may end up as the alternative due to $$

Friday, February 26, 2010

Obama, First Black President? Think Again!

OK people lets get started. Here's a topic that really chaps my *#&!  Obama "The First Black President."  WHY?  Why wasn't Clinton the first "Black" Prez?  He claimed that he had some black in him from somewhere.  If we've come sooooo very far, and I truly believe we have not; then why are we still using a measuring stick of portions of "Negro" blood mixture to define ourselves and others?  Please click on the Wikipedia explanation so that you're first up to speed with exactly what I'm talking about and we're on the same page:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-drop_rule  My point is that President Obama is as white as he is black!  So why the moniker "First Black Prez?"  Is it because he has "Negroid" features?  Is it 2010 or 1924?  Search yourselves and question your inner feelings and thought processes.  Why in 2010 do we still give a rat's derriere what race anyone is anyhow?  When do we think that what Dr.King spoke so eloquently so many years ago will come to pass when we are judged by the content of our character and not our outer coating. 

Think Again part deaux!  Here's some more information as to the other "Black" presidents who went before good ole' Barak.  Check this out:  http://diversityinc.com/content/1757/article/1461/

1 comment:

  1. Black & White are terms created by our society in attempts to categorize people and most often not to thier benefit. Race is assigned by society. ethnicity and heritage are the real deal. Race makes too much difference in the US whther you want it to or not. If you do not select a "race" don't worry, you will be assigned one by society. The United states perceives Obama to be the first Black President and you know what they say about perception.
