Having Vision & being flexible

Having Vision & being flexible
a little something like this....may end up as the alternative due to $$

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Day After! The Day Ahead.

Now that the eye of the storm is out over Montauk NY and the surrounding area begin the cleaning up and getting back to normal or something like it.  Anticipation of Spring is in the cold brisk air as we go outside and take our first breath of the morning.  Wish me luck I've got dancing lessons this morning.  Yeah, OK you can stop laughing now!  Especially all the guys at my job! You wait, I'll be on DWTS if they don't make it their last season; with all the cutbacks who knows?  Anywho I'm off to cut the rug with the wife.  My goal is first and foremost is the same as a physician: DO NO HARM!  to myself or others that is ;-)

The Day After

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Hats Off to all involved in cleaning up the Record Snow in NYC and outlying boroughs!

This two day storm that stretched from Chicago go Boston and down the Eastern Seaboard to Washington D.C. dropped a record one day accumulation in Central Park and helped make February 2010 the "Snowiest Month" EVER since they started recording snowfalls.  As of noon Friday the 30.9 inches of snow eclipsed the old record of 30.5 inches set back in March of 1896. I say all this to commend all of the men and women of the NY Sanitaion Dept. who stayed up around the clock in shifts keeping the roads accessible and open.  Kudos to one and all and to Mayor Bloomberg!  I remember back in 1966 when another Mayor "Lindsay" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lindsay as not so attentive to the forcast and NYC was blasted with the "Blizzard of 66'."  I think it sad that through all this I've not heard a word of thanks to these hard working people.  So here I go, THANK YOU DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION!  New York's Strongest!  God bless you all and safe home.  

Things clearing up on the way Home

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Obama, First Black President? Think Again!

OK people lets get started. Here's a topic that really chaps my *#&!  Obama "The First Black President."  WHY?  Why wasn't Clinton the first "Black" Prez?  He claimed that he had some black in him from somewhere.  If we've come sooooo very far, and I truly believe we have not; then why are we still using a measuring stick of portions of "Negro" blood mixture to define ourselves and others?  Please click on the Wikipedia explanation so that you're first up to speed with exactly what I'm talking about and we're on the same page:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-drop_rule  My point is that President Obama is as white as he is black!  So why the moniker "First Black Prez?"  Is it because he has "Negroid" features?  Is it 2010 or 1924?  Search yourselves and question your inner feelings and thought processes.  Why in 2010 do we still give a rat's derriere what race anyone is anyhow?  When do we think that what Dr.King spoke so eloquently so many years ago will come to pass when we are judged by the content of our character and not our outer coating. 

Think Again part deaux!  Here's some more information as to the other "Black" presidents who went before good ole' Barak.  Check this out:  http://diversityinc.com/content/1757/article/1461/

Let the GAMES BEGIN! This is how it started this morning.

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Times Square ABC Studios Inc. Bad News on the ribbons! Growing Pains Actor Found Dead.

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42nd Street NYC early am. Notice the size of the flakes! Yowie!

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's the thought that counts!

I must admit I wanted to reach through the television and throttle republican Lamar Alexander. The idea of starting all over from scratch was infuriating. I must still be an idealist to think it would be possible for a bunch of politicians to sit down & have honest bipartisan dialogue whose true aim is to benefit "we the people" and not just make their party look better. I'm going to have to hit the books along with every other information outlet to find out how the rest of the world does it. I know it is possible to have affordable National health care because other countries are already doing it.

LIC Citi Corp building straight ahead through the snow.

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Wait and Watch

I'm getting the hang of this blog thing using drafts. That way I can post in seconds what was written when it came to me.

Abraham Lincoln's Farewell Speech to Springfield, IL.
"My friends, no one, not in my situation, can appreciate my feeling of sadness at this parting. To this place, and the kindness of these people, I owe everything. Here I have lived a quarter of a century, and have passed from a young to an old man. Here my children have been born, and one is buried. I now leave, not knowing when, or whether ever, I may return, with a task before me greater than that which rested upon Washington. Without the assistance of the Divine Being who ever attended him, I cannot succeed. With that assistance I cannot fail. Trusting in Him who can go with me, and remain with you, and be everywhere for good, let us confidently hope that all will yet be well. To His care commending you, as I hope in your prayers you will commend me, I bid you an affectionate farewell."
I am to this day amazed by this man of destiny called Abraham.  From the day his mother named him it seems he was born to liberate; slaves from bondage and a nation from evil.  What Mr.William Shakespeare said Mr. Lincoln took to heart as God's will unfolded, ""Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them."
I know that it seems quite arbitrary to speak of President Lincoln out of the blue but in light of our current President Mr.Obama's speaking on health-care today I thought it appropriate to hope that Mr.O would rise to the occasion of the day and with the help of the one who can go with him and yet remain with us all, bring this nation to unity.  I sincerely hope that our collective elected officials find a way to bring a comprehensive health-care package to the well deserving people of America that will not bankrupt our grandchildren in the process.

Learning Curve 2.0

Good Morning all, and Whoa!  I'm drowning in info!  I just got off of "Youtube" after being inundated with how to's!  I'm trying to get up to speed with all of the "cloud sharing" and "podcast" video uploading content sharing stuff. My head hurts I guess that my brain's bitrate isn't what it used to be!  I did realize why the world is shrinking so geometrically.  Technology has enabled us to all be Steven Spielberg for under $500.US.  I took a look at the latest Flip cam Ultra HD and the quality is good enough to do your own show in podcast form.  I've got to go now but I'll get back to you with more details.  ciao!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Learning Curve

I'm trying to get up to speed with this blogging thing.  Im making strides towards getting a link estabished so that people can click on it and get redirected to my blog; or at least that's my hope.  I'll keep ya'll posted as to my progress. 
Oh BOY, Now are you in trouble! I've figured out how to send stuff to the blog from my mobile phone!!! Yee Ha!!!!!!!!! See this 21st Century high tech stuff ain't so scary after all!

My greatest baseball hero & the Greatest Rightflieder EVER! Roberto Clemente

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Me still having not figured it out yet

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Hey everybody, new day started with some James Brown "Make it Funky" blasting from my BB storm in my hip pocket while walking through the NYC subway system on the way to work. Stares and nods of approval as to my song selection were nice. I'm hooked into the "mobile" blogger thingee so beware of strange postings and pics. As I stated previously I'm a work in progress. ttyl.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Newbie blogger

Hey there and good day to you all. This is my first blog posting and as a complete "newbie" I'm asking that everyone bear with my foibles, yes I said foibles; a silly sounding word. I am a lover of words and considerably opinionated but then who isn't. A self proclaimed dilettante of seemingly everything with a head full of what some may categorize as "useless" information borne of years of being forced to listen to late night talk radio while driving home from work with my dad; I admit I was scarred for life. My goal is to stimulate thought and possibly make our time on this living being we call home aka planet earth, a more purposeful, positive and pleasurable experience. I hope to evoke enough thought precipitated emotion to move people to positive lasting change. My personal empirical data shows that all change begins in the battleground of the mind and as it says in NASB Proverbs 23:7a "7For as he thinks within himself, so he is..." So buckle up and find a buddy to hold hands with cause here we go...